Jumat, 17 September 2010

Apabila hendak menyalin teks berikut, mohon sertakan dengan SUMBERNYA.

Dove shaped cloud forms on eve of Pope's visit
Message from above The dove shaped cloud formed over Bristol ahead of the Popes State visit - and the wind even allowed it to fly across the sky
KOMPAS.com - They say that every cloud has a silver lining. But this particular cloud seemed to be something even more special, a message from God.

Captured by former RAF photographer John Gray, 69, from the back garden of his home in Westbury-on-Trym, near Bristol, this cloud appears to a symbol of peace - a dove. The fluffy figure was spotted on Wednesday evening by Mr Gray, a member of the Cloud Appreciation Society, who was reminded of the Pope's visit and the Bible's story of the Dove.

The wind was even blowing in the right direction, allowing the 'bird'  to fly across the night sky, with both wings extended.

Mr Gray, 69, said: "I do enjoy looking to the sky for clouds and the unusual patterns and shapes they make.

"Last night I couldn't believe it when I saw the cloud that looked just like a dove at peace - and it happened to coincide with the Pope's visit.

"I was born a Catholic but gave it up in my teens, but most of my family in Scotland are still Roman Catholics.

"When I saw it I thought that it probably signifies what the Pope needs - a bit of peace and happiness.

The Bible tells the story in which a dove was released by Noah after the great flood in order to find land.The dove came back carrying an olive branch in its beak, proof for Noah that humans could soon resume a normal life.


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